Callum Bulmer
After studying sound engineering in NZ I joined an independent production company making regular programming for a broadcast network. A move to London UK saw the start of my freelance career and since then I have provided sound services for the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Discovery Channel, PBS, CBS, NBC, National Geographic, MTV, and numerous production companies making episodic, factual and entertainment programmes for the major broadcasters. I am also a IATSE 873 Union Sound Mixer for episodic and scripted productions.
I work out of London UK or Toronto Canada and dual nationality allows me to operate freely in Europe, Australasia, North America. My standard equipment reflects the modern HD workflow with multitrack digital recorders, wideband radio mics, timecode systems, and high quality microphones.
I am also a licensed UAV pilot and ofer drone photography for documentary film making
Download my CV here: